Posted by: lostty | November 7, 2008

Happy One Year Anniversary + 5 days to Anime Princess!


Normally this would be a happy moment for most bloggers, but there had to be a dark side to my story. The actual day of this blog’s creation was five days ago. *smashes head against the wall some more* I must be the most absolute fool of all the fools! How could I have done something so immensely stupid! I always thought, I started this blog in the middle of November and I knew I was meant to check soon to be sure, but evidently it was too late… As much as I was almost going to decide against making this post, I felt it would be too important to pass up, no matter how stupid I may actually be by forgetting the original date. So, as I continue to hit my head against anything solid near me, I am going to pretend for the next half of this post that nothing bad ever happened. (Ignore your problems in life children!)

16635A new image, to start off the lighter side of this post! 😀

Anywho…. A year has finally passed in this little old blog. It still surprises me how long its been, especially since if anyone actually read my first blog post (which I did link to, no matter how stupid I think it seems) I really did seem like a noob. So, the fact that I’ve gotten this far is pretty impressive. My written style and post style has also changed. At first, I would only really make some serious reviews about movies and then I moved on to episode reviews (I’m glad I eventually discovered the use of commas). From there, my design for the posts really changed through the months and even now, they go through many changes and I’m still trying to find one specific format.

Blogging has probably changed my life a lot. By being part of the “blogging world”, I was able to meet a lot of interesting people and it’s always interesting to read what they have to think about the things that interest me. It really makes me happy to think about all the friends I made over the time and I owe them a lot for all the comments and such. Blogging has also took up a lot of my time, but I don’t really regret it.

For a bit of information, as of now, I have had  61,294 views in total, my best day was at 774 views. Here’s a monthly chart of all my views:


I also decided to share with you my weirdest referrer, which was from Neopets. I remember I used to go when I was really young, though the password to my account is long gone and so any possibilities of me having a link from myself is pretty slim. Also, when I tried to see where the link went to, I only got a 404 error. At first, I presumed that maybe it was just from a guild or something, but the link evidently states it was in the games section, so however that happened, I can’t explain!


Akismet has also helped me, by preventing all 792 spam comments and counting from my blog!

Though naturally, the true people I must be thankful to is my viewers! Without you, I would never really know how to improve myself and if I never got any viewers to begin with, I would have probably gave up as a blogger long ago. Though, there were many months when I never received any comments except for few and I doubted I would get any more, but I kept on writing anyway and I’m pretty content where I am now, but there is still room for improvement.

Thank you all once again, for putting up with the forgetful procrastinator! This year I’ll make a goal of being more organized! X)

special1430031I hope to see you all next year!


  1. Clearly, you are overreacting to your forgetfulness. It is a very busy time of the year, and it is very easy to forget something – could have happened to anyone!

    While it is good to keep track of your blog age, is it really important if you celebrate it a few days later or on the exact date? It it was your friend and you forgot her/his birthday, it would have been a little bit worse, but this is different.

    I used to forget things often, but I developed a nice system, and I didn’t have any problems since. I used Google Calendar to mark important dates and set it up to send me a reminder via email. This way I don’t have to worry about remembering all those dates. Give it a try 🙂

    Congratulations on your first anniversary and over 60K views ^_^

    You post very detailed episode summaries and share your impressions. I especially liked reading your Hidamari coverage 🙂

    Indeed, blogging can bring together many people with similar interests and spark interesting discussions 🙂

    I am glad you persevered and continued to post regardless of the amount of comments 🙂 I believe if you write what you are passionate about, there will be other people who are interested in the similar topics 🙂

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this blog 🙂

    The kitty on the last picture is cute 🙂

    PS I think you wanted to use “content” instead of “contempt”.

  2. Congratulations on a year!!!

    I wouldn’t feel too down about missing the actual anniversary by accident. I haven’t been blogging that long yet (my six month point just passed recently actually), but I’ve already seen lots of people forgetting and missing important moments for their blogs.

    I think a lot of bloggers are always changing their formats and stuff, always trying to change and find a new way to do things so that we still enjoy what we do. The more I stick to one way of doing things, the more likely I am to get bored.

    And continue to post no matter what! I want to see if you remember your two year anniversary next year. ^_^

  3. @Kitsune: Wow, you do an outstanding job at comforting people! I really do appreciate it, you truly are kind. Thank You so much!
    I actually do have an agenda, but the problem is that I don’t bother writing in it. Though, email reminders do seem more sufficient and easy. Tehee, and thanks for pointing out the spelling error, the way it was spelled before could give people a wrong impression X)

    @FuyuMaiden: Thank you! I understand what you mean, the fact that I still have room for improvement and I’m open to change gives me a good feeling. Thank you for the advice!

  4. Contempt though is a really good movie lostty, you should see it. It might not express your innermost desires, but everyonce in a while we are all struck with a little mepris. So, watch the movie! Blog about it! Maybe your new direction will be French New Wave Cinema 😉 Probably not.

    Really though, congrats. I am proud of my itty bitty sister.

  5. Congrats on your blog’s first year anniversary! 🙂 Your anime summaries and comments have been really helpful, particularly because my taste in anime is pretty similar to yours. Thanks for all the effort to share your thoughts; you’re right, blogging does take up a lot of time, i’m grateful!

    So take care, and keep blogging; above all, have fun! 🙂

  6. congrats and well done on getting this far! Love the new banner BTW…where’s it from?

  7. Omedetou~! \(^_^)/

    And these are busy times so I understand how you may forget an important date…I almost missed my 10k mark over at Deciphered Melody…>_>

    But no worries, we will all celebrate Anime Princess’ first anniversary with you even if it’s late!!! ^_^

    Here’s to another year for Anime Princess!

  8. Congratulations on your 1-year anniversary! Don’t worry about forgetting, since everyone forgets anyway at one point of time anyway.

    Keep up the good work on blogging. Anime Princess is certainly one of the most interesting and comprehensive blogs I’ve ever been seen. Thanks to your reviews, I actually saved myself from watching anime that might not be of my interest. 🙂

    Lolz on neopets.

  9. @mrsemmapeel: …..maybe I’ll watch it, but I don’t see myself as a French new wave cinema blogger. Though, I might in the least say something about Quantum of Solace when I see it (which I will). Thanks!

    @fern: Thank you! It’s always nice to meet someone with similar taste and I’m glad I can help!

    @concretebadger: Thanks, and the banner is an image of Rin from Fate/stay night

    @53RG10: My days are going to a lot less busy in a few weeks, so thanks for understanding. I hope to see you next year as well!

    @7: I’m glad I can help with your choices in series to watch and I’m grateful you think my posts are interesting, Thank you!!!

  10. Ohwow. I envy her.
    Congrats btw! 😀

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