Posted by: lostty | April 30, 2008

Kurenai episode 4

Before I actually start this episode review, I just wanted to mention that this is actually my 100th post! I’m glad I’m writing it for a series I really enjoy and I thank everyone who has ever visited my blog! Yay, Go me!

Anyway, this was another great episode, as if we expected otherwise. Unlike most new series so far that are mostly just fillers this series gets right to the point. This episode would be a good example considering it revealed a lot about Kurenai himself. Also we learn about a thing that freaked me out, it was a knife like blade thing that completely protruded from Kurenai’s elbow. Well, we don’t really learn about its origin, but we do know it makes a pretty good weapon. It must be very inconvenient though because not only does it puncture a hole through his skin, (which apparently leaves him acing for days) but it also must tear through his clothes. To add on that he was wearing that very flattering jacket he wears a lot, but I’m sure it’ll probably magically sew itself back together again anyway. I think I’m getting a bit to carried away with his outfit being torn? I would also guess that he probably doesn’t have control over it, so it would be definitely interesting to find out more about how it came to be. In the episode we also learn a bit about his past, which was really interesting and reasons to why he became a dispute mediator. In general the focus stayed mostly on Kurenai instead of the usual Murusaki.

I’m glad they had an episode like this one because I now like Kurenai that much more. The fighting scene seemed to be done in a way that is really interesting and mature, which is something so many series can never accomplish (the list is honestly endless). Kurenai looks pretty much just plain awesome when he’s in the middle of beating everyone up and in some odd way also more attractive…I’m also really starting to like the neighbors that Murusaki always hangs out with because they always make me want to laugh and there presence in the series really seems to make a difference and show a different side to the other characters. To sum it all up, this was another great episode, this could have almost been a perfect series if it only changed the opening and ending, which are both really stupid and annoying. Though, I guess it’s possible that they do change them, but I doubt it. The next episode seems good and it’ll probably explain even more about Kurenai’s past and it also seems like Murasaki may have found a new friend her age!

smexy kid


  1. congratz on your 100th post!!

  2. thanks ^_^

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